Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Podcast Reflection #12: Another Autism Podcast

 I decided to do another reflection on one of the autism podcasts that I listened to last week. I found them very interesting and such a great resource for parents who have children with autism. On this podcast the host talked with Megan Drane who is a photographer and owns Firefly Nights Photography. Megan has a son who is diagnosed with Asperger's. Before her son was diagnosed Megan was photographing families, children etc. but soon became interested in photographing children with autism. She knew the struggle that parents faced in capturing important moments and wanted to help. She said that she likes to photograph her own son not only to mark childhood milestones but also certain behaviors that he might be displaying. Some of the challenges that she says she faces when photographing children with autism is engagement. Getting the child to not only look at the camera but capture what she referred to as the "light in their eyes." Also, as with most children, it is difficult sometimes to get them to stay still. However, Megan mentioned that before she goes into a session she meets with the family and gets to know the child before they start snapping photos. She likes to learn if there are any sensory issues such as the click of the camera of bright flashes that might bother the child. Most importantly though she said it is important to find a "bribe" for the child!

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