I feel like I now have a much stronger knowledge base in technology that can be used in the classroom because of the Education Technology class that I took. The class provided me with a lot of tools that can help me not only in lesson planning but various activities for the students. Many of these tools can be directed towards students with different learning styles and special needs. Sites such as Animoto can be great alternatives for students that are English language learners who might not be able to complete an oral presentation. They can still display their knowledge through the Animoto. This can also be true for students that have any speech impairments. Also using tools such as Prezi can be something new and interesting not only for students to use to present but also to make your presentations as a teacher much more interesting.
As far as teachers using technology, a couple of great sites that I have referred to and would encourage other teachers to refer to would be Google Docs and Kan Ed. Google Docs is a great tool for collaboration that would be useful for teachers who might be working on a project or lesson together. Also Kan Ed is a great source for finding lesson plans that align with state standards and also have many great research sources for students. I would really encourage other staff members to utilize all this technology available because it something that really interests the kids and is something that can really aid you in your planning. They can use sites such as Delicious to aid in finding these sources.
I plan on learning and keeping up on this technology through different technology workshops and also using web tutorials and any building tech people that are available. I have to admit that I am sometimes slow to learn technology but I am always very organized and prepared and technology can help to continue this. Within the next few years I look forward to using this technology in my classroom.
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